DeWitt Clinton High School
Montefiore Center
To be enrolled in the Montefiore Clinic, you need to fill out a form and submit it to the front desk in the Clinic at the school. Click here to read about the benefits of being enrolled at the Montefiore Clinic.
Blue Cards
Make sure you fill out a blue card and submit it to the school. You can receive a blue card from the main office, room 196. Blue cards are crucial in case of an emergency, the school needs to be able to reach a responsible adult for the student.
Lunch Application
New York City public high school students are able to enroll for free or reduced lunch fare. It is necessary for students to fully complete the application and submit it.
You can submit the application in the following methods:
Get hard copy of the application from the Attendance office on the 1st floor. Complete it and submit it to your guidance counselor.
Or, save paper and ink by applying online at Apply for Lunch.